
Research on the frontiers of different fields in theoretical and experimental high energy physics, as well as mathematical physics, is carried out by the faculty members, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students at the centre. The areas of interest are:

  • Quantum field theory
  • The standard model of particle physics and beyond
  • New particle searches
  • Collider data analysis
  • Detector physics and fabrication
  • QCD and lattice gauge theories
  • Quantum gravity, string theory and black holes
  • Non-commutative geometry
  • Quantum computation
  • Condensed matter systems in low dimensions
  • Dark Matter
  • Astro particle Physics

The research interests of individual faculty members can be found in Faculty page.

The publications in high energy physics on the INSPIRE data base from IISc can be found here.

A list of Ph.D thesis of all CHEP students from 2010 onwards can be found here.