Our alumnus, Ahmadullah Zahed(2018-2023), has been awarded the IAP Rahul Basu Award for the best thesis
Black Information in Holography and String Theory – National Conference : INDICO
Journeys in Particle Physics – Rohini Godbole Memorial Conference to be held from March 13th to March 15th More Details
MARCH 2025
Prof. B. Ananthanarayan’s editorship at EPJST has been renewed for another 3 years.
Dr. Ranjan Laha has been awarded the 2024 ICTP Prize for his outstanding and wide-ranging work in theoretical particle astrophysics and cosmology Full article here
Infosys-Chair Visiting Professor at CHEP: Prof. Eric Laenen, Institute of Physics,University of Amsterdam
Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair Professor at CHEP: Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS South Korea
Prof. B. Ananthanaryan has been selected to the Council of IUAC Delhi
In Memoriam – CHEP mourns the loss of our most eminent Physicis, Padma Shri Prof. Rohini M. Godbole
Memorial Service at CHEP
In memoriam
Prof. Justin David elected to the Mathematical Physics commission (C-18) of the IUPAP (International Union of Pure and Applied Physics) for the period 2025-2027.
The Scientific American credits CHEP Faculty on discovering a new formula for PI
Frontiers in Particle Physics – Annual Conference: Indico Page .
JUNE 2024
CHEP in Press Discovery: IISc physicists stumble upon new way to represent ‘pi’.
JUNE 2024
Prof. Aninda Sinha has been elected as Fellow of Indian Academy of Science, Bengaluru
Excursions in Condensed Matter Physics. Students, and collaborators of Prof. Diptiman Sen, have organized a conference, to honor his innumerable contributions to Physics.
JANUARY 12th and 13th, 2024
Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair Professor at CHEP: Prof. V. Parameswaran Nair, CUNY
Prof. Apoorva D. Patel has been awarded the position of MSIL Chair
Prof. Aninda Sinha has been selected to the Ediorial Board of SciPost
Prof. Rohini Godbole has been confered the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) by IIT-Jodhpur
Prof. Justin R. David has been elected as a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy
Prof. Sudhir Vempati takes over from Prof. Justin David as DEPARTMENT CHAIR
India-CMS Collaboration Meeting will be held at Centre for High Energy Physics (CHEP), IISc from 12th (Saturday) to 13th (Sunday) August 2023 (restricted to CMS collaboration)
More Details.
AUGUST 20223
Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair Professor at CHEP: Prof. Sougato Bose, UCL, 17 July 2023 to 22 Aug 2023
JULY 2023
Prof. B. Ananthanarayan will be serving in the Editorial Board for the Book series titled SpringerBriefs in Physics from July 1st 2023 to December 31st 2027
JUNE 2023
Prof. Rohini Godbole has been confered the D.Sc. (Honoris Causa) by IIT-Bombay
MARCH 2023
Prof. B. Ananthanarayan has been inducted into the India-CERN Task Force of The Department of Atomic Energy and Deparmtent of Science and Technology
Frontiers in Particle Physics 2023, Conference organized by CHEP, 10-12 March 2023.
Prof. Ranjan Laha has been selected as an Infosys Young Investigator.
MARCH 2022
Prof. Justin David’s editorship at EPJC has been renewed for another 3 years.
DEC 2021
Prof. B. Ananthanarayan’s editorship at EPJST has been renewed for another 3 years.
DEC 2021
Prof. Ranjan Laha selected as member of NASI.
DEC 2021
Prof. Rohini Godbole conferred Doctor of Science (honoris causa) by IIT-Kanpur.
NOV 2021
Prof. B. Ananthanarayan pleased to announce an exciting new collection on the Accelerating Universe co-edited with Subhendra Mohanty of Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad Link.
NOV 2021
Prof. Rohini Godbole receives the Goyal prize in Physics of the Kurukshetra University for her contribution to Theoretical High Energy Physics.
SEP 2021
Prof. Sachindeo Vaidya has become the member of the Editorial board of International Journal of Modern Physics A and Modern Physics Letters A.
AUG 2021
Prof. Apoorva Patel’s work on “A Software Simulator for Noisy Quantum Circuits” has been expanded, and launched nationally by MeitY as a “Quantum Computer Simulator Toolkit”
AUG 2021
Prof. Dptiman Sen receives the J.C. Bose fellowship from SERB for the period 2021-2026.
JULY 2021
Prof. Rohini Godbole wins the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Government of Karnataka.
JUNE 2021
Prof. Rohini Godbole has been awarded the `Ordre National du Merite’.
JAN 2021
Prof. Aninda Sinha has been selected as an honoree on the Asian Scientist 100 list (2020 edition).
DEC 2020
Prof. B. Anathanarayan is a Member of the Strategic Scientific Advisory Board of Avesthagen Limited and The AVESTHAGENOME Project.
SEP 2020
Prof. Rohini Godbole receives the R.D. Birla Memorial Award of the Indian Physics Association.
OCT 2019
Prof. Justin David has been elected a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India.
OCT 2019
Prof. Aninda Sinha receives the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for the year 2019 in Physical Sciences.
SEP 2019
Apratim Kaviraj has been awarded the Kumari L A Meera Memorial medal for best thesis in Theoretical Physics, IISc, 2018.
MAR 2019
Prof. B. Ananthanarayan has become an editor for the European Physical Journal – Special Topics (EPJ ST).
MAR 2019
CHEP In-House Symposium (1st and 2nd February, 2019).
FEB 2019
Prof. Rohini Godbole receives the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award in the country.
JAN 2019
Prof. Justin R. David has been elected to the Fellowship of the Indian Academy of Sciences, effective from January 01, 2019.
JAN 2019
Prof. Rohini Godbole has become a member of Council of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 2019-2021.
JAN 2019
Prof. Rohini Godbole is in the scientific advisory committee of the Dutch research school of theoretical physics(DRSTP).
JAN 2019
Apratim Kaviraj has got the IPA Rahul Basu Memorial Award for Best Thesis in HEP for the period 2016-18.
NOV 2018
Prof. Justin David is an Associate Editor of `The European Physical Journal C’.
NOV 2018
Prof. Rohini Godbole is Van der Waals Professor at University of Amsterdam (September -December 2018).
SEP 2018
Prof. Rohini Godbole gets the 3rd term of the J.C. Bose fellowship of the DST.
SEP 2018
Prof. Justin David is on the Editorial Board of `Current Science’.
AUG 2018
Aninda Sinha is now an editorial board member for New Journal of Physics (2018).
JULY 2018
Is SUSY still the best bunker to hide in, in light of experimental data?, 10-12 May 2018.
MAY 2018
CHEP In-House Symposium (16th and 17th February, 2018).