SEMINAR – Shouvik Roy Choudhury
Speaker: Shouvik Roy Title: Cosmology in an extended parameter space: new constraints on dark energy and neutrino masses with DESI...
Speaker: Shouvik Roy Title: Cosmology in an extended parameter space: new constraints on dark energy and neutrino masses with DESI...
Title : The Hilbert space and holography of information in de Sitter quantum gravity Abstract : In the 1st lecture,...
Title : The Hilbert space and holography of information in de Sitter quantum gravity Abstract : In the 1st lecture,...
Title - Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis Speaker : Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Prof. E. J. Chun will be delivering a...
Speaker: Athira P. V. (ICTS Bangalore) Abstract: In this talk, I discuss the properties of massive fields extrapolated to the...
Title - Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis Speaker : Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Prof. E. J. Chun will be delivering a...
Title – Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis Speaker : Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Prof. E. J. Chun will be delivering a...
Speaker: Prof. Eric Laenen Title: Introductory Perturbative QCD
Speaker: Prof. Eric Laenen Title: Introductory Perturbative QCD
Speaker: Prof. Eric Laenen Title: Introductory Perturbative QCD