Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair Professor – E.J. Chun
Title - Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis Speaker : Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Prof. E. J. Chun will be delivering a...
Title - Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis Speaker : Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Prof. E. J. Chun will be delivering a...
Speaker: Athira P. V. (ICTS Bangalore) Abstract: In this talk, I discuss the properties of massive fields extrapolated to the...
Title - Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis Speaker : Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Prof. E. J. Chun will be delivering a...
Speaker: Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Satish Dhawan Visiting Chair Professor, CHEP Abstract: The Standard Model of particle physics has...
Title – Baryogenesis and Leptogenesis Speaker : Prof. Eung Jin Chun, KIAS Prof. E. J. Chun will be delivering a...
The Annual CHEP In-House Symposium will be held from 9th to 10th November. The symposium serves as a platform for...
Speaker: Prof. Eric Laenen Title: Introductory Perturbative QCD
Speaker : Prof. Eric Laenen Title: Stress testing the Standard Model of Particle Physics Abstract: In the coming years the...
Speaker: Prof. Eric Laenen Title: Introductory Perturbative QCD
Speaker: Prof. Eric Laenen Title: Introductory Perturbative QCD
Speaker: Abhishek Mohapatra (Technical University Munich, Germany) Title: One Born Oppenheimer Effective Theory to rule all Exotics Abstract: The XYZ...
Speaker: P. S. Bhupal Dev (Washington University in St. Louis, U.S.A.) Title: Neutrinos: Dirac or Majorana? Abstract: Whether neutrinos are...
Speaker: Subhendra Mohanty (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India) Title: Effective theories at finite temperature Abstract: Effective theories offer an...
Speaker: Rohan Pramanick (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata) Title: Simultaneous generation of visible and dark matter in...
Workshop Discussion Topics: Black hole physics with emphasis on quantum aspects, black hole microstates in string theory, information paradox, nature...
International Conference in the honour of Late Prof. Rohini M. Godbole. More Details here